Saturday, December 8, 2007

The Teddy Bear that Embarrassed Sudan

We need to hear more of this.

If rational, moral, moderate Muslims speak up more, things would be better. I've always believed that only Muslims who aren't truly serious about their faith are the good ones. My teachers were Muslim, my neighbors, and some of my friends. But they were mostly cultural Muslims on the same level as cultural Christians in the U.S. that go to church only twice a year (Christmas and Easter, mostly). These people are very nice, wonderful people who are okay with befriending and associating with kafirs on a daily basis. They don't have strong opinions about their faith nor the faith of others and don't listen to most fatwas.

If they were Christian, I would wonder about their salvation.

Thinking about it, it's probably what most people feel about other people with strong opinions or beliefs that differ from their own. Only, it seems, when regarding Islam, there's always a touch of self-preservation at hand.

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